What are you doing?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Very classy...

Jane Doe is gonna go find some classy sophisticated people who can hold their booze, don't talk about bleached assholes & aren't obsessed with poop.

Very classy..., originally uploaded by laughlin.


Jane Doe is falling apart.

Khodiya #1

Jane Doe "um...ms. doe? i dont know if anyone told you....but...tattoos are bad...." -w***, a 1st grader.

Khodiya #1, originally uploaded by Meanest Indian.

playing game of life

John Doe feels better today about life than he has in a long time.

playing game of life, originally uploaded by rastafabi.


Jane Doe is wishing she lived somewhere with orange and red trees right now...

Fun With Focus: Orange, originally uploaded by doortoriver.


John Doe likes poop.

P-U Stinky!, originally uploaded by ewen and donabel.

Twin Toms

John Doe gets to celebrate 2 thanksgivings!!! one in Canada and one in Texas... YES!!!

Twin Toms, originally uploaded by eye of einstein.


John Doe is confulicious say: moose abuse power, NOW unfit to be mother to sexy preggerteen moose, special need baby moose, maverick moose.

Friendliest service in town, originally uploaded by WordRidden.


Jane Doe is not having a good night :(.

La Femme = Joker, originally uploaded by vice48sr5005.


Jane Doe feels like she's been at camp for 3 days... guess that means it was a good conference.

pioneer-camp, originally uploaded by okapisafari.


Jane Doe is fierce like Tyra.

Fierce, originally uploaded by furryscaly.


John Doe is so small and so weak, and even if that's all he is, he is still and always will be the Father's.

daffodil, originally uploaded by F.S.M..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

i miss you love

Jane Doe is agonizing more than she thought she would. Arg.

maria mena:i miss you love, originally uploaded by visualpanic.


Jane doe thinks Fran Drescher should check her mail more often. *head/hand* Hilarious.

Mail, originally uploaded by GoldenEel.

calculus vs real people

Jane Doe is not a huge fan of calculus.

080425 calculus vs real people, originally uploaded by Dan4th.

golden dragon

Jane Doe is dragons, pudding and squares.

tale of the golden dragon, originally uploaded by kalandrakas.

Lasagna #3

Jane Doe is wishing she could leave work and go have lasagna with friends already.

Lasagna #3: Lasagna, originally uploaded by Frenkieb.


Jane Doe wishes she was at home...

, originally uploaded by http://moty66.ipernity.com.

Butt kicking

Jane Doe got her butt kicked today...in a good way!

Butt kicking, originally uploaded by scottfeldstein.


Jane Doe is proud of her students, and relieved that the first concert wasn't a catastrophe.

Legowelt Catastrophe!, originally uploaded by Nadya Peek.


John Doe got a turntable today and it is awesome! Now he just needs a speaker system...

dj_andi_baader_20032008, originally uploaded by mahmut.

locked down

Jane Doe
so keep your love locked down your love locked down.

locked down, originally uploaded by ButterflySha.


John Doe is in the Oakland airport waiting for his bags.


Jane Doe is upset about God's decision to load a months worth of work into next week...but apparently He thinks I can handle it..wow do me and the Man need to talk.

Day 65: Paperwork, originally uploaded by JCardinal18.

text messaging

No worries.
People get cell service on islands.

mid-parade text messaging, originally uploaded by supa_pedro.


"You do not have to pay me back for my awesomeness, or my attractiveness"

IMG_6910, originally uploaded by phil schatz.

Sleep Like A Baby

i like sleep

Sleep Like A Baby, originally uploaded by peasap.

The Old Lady and the Birds

three little birds
sat on my window
and they told me I don't need to worry
maybe sometimes we feel afraid
but it's alright
you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow


John Doe is not officially watching True Blood...even though he's seen every episode.

Butterfly Blood, originally uploaded by nyki_m.

pizza man

John Doe was completely unaware that the 8th Deadly Sin was pizza (thanks, Jimmy Buffett, for telling me).

pizza man, originally uploaded by dickuhne.

Tweetie birds

Jane Doe had a dream last night that she got a tattoo of Tweety bird, music notes, an acorn, and a squirrel. Figure that one out.

Tweetie birds, originally uploaded by kevindooley.


Jane Doe is so happy A** gets here TONIGHT!! Yea for having my twin back.

Twins, originally uploaded by kevindooley.

grocery store space ship

John Doe is owned by shaws on his day off :( time for 2 weeks?

grocery store space ship, originally uploaded by zappowbang.

Love is being stupid together

Jane Doe thinks yes, there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.

Love is being stupid together, originally uploaded by nattu.


John Doe shoulda brought his camera usb cable thingy.

day in the life

Jane Doe is still in bed, cursing the clock and day #4.

day in the life: morning, originally uploaded by emdot.

Jane Doe is EVERYONE CAN SUCK IT. minus Natalie.

, originally uploaded by sunshinecity.


John Doe is at the hospital again...

Ambulance, originally uploaded by Gwire.


Jane Doe is starving for being mean to you. 6 days!

Lattice, originally uploaded by Todd Huffman.

Cinnamon Latte

Jane Doe is ahhh, first cup of coffee in about a month, maybe longer.

Rhode Island Cinnamon Latte, originally uploaded by Chris Owens.

Oh just peel it already!

John Doe is bananas.

Oh just peel it already!, originally uploaded by Darwin Bell.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Freeze Frame

John Doe Wishes I could Freeze Frame Time.

Freeze Frame, originally uploaded by Winstonavich.


John Doe is pam and jim pam and jim pam and jim!!!

Freezerves, originally uploaded by Jennie R. F..

lunch money

John Doe wishes for more money. But not crazy amounts. Just enough.

day in the life: lunch money, originally uploaded by emdot.

Which One Doesn't Match?

John Doe is thinking his lack of socialization will turn him into one of those crazy guys you see singing to himself on the subway...

Which One Doesn't Match?, originally uploaded by Tony the Misfit.


Jane Doe can't believe she has Friday night off.

rebel watches my boyfriend, originally uploaded by emdot.

Avoid Deep Dives

Jane Doe is avoiding my thoughts.

Avoid Deep Dives, originally uploaded by austinevan.

Worst Week . Old Bridge, New Jersey

John Doe is glad the worst of the week is over.


Jane Doe loves that its cool outside and smells like a campfire.

campfire, originally uploaded by ninahale.

Ducking hell

I don't know about all of you but my wacky write-in vote for president is going to Howard the Duck.

So many ducks... Ducking hell, originally uploaded by Gaetan Lee.

How this works:

I change all the names associated with each message. No one gave me permission to use them, these are all posted on sites like Facebook, Myspace, or AIM that use status updates or away messages for friends and family to see.
I do not own any of these photos (unless otherwise noted), they belong to the copyright owners, and are all attributed back to the owner's flickr accounts.

The juxtaposition of both though, is uniquely mine.

To send me an e-mail send it to: maggie [dot] brockmann [at] gmail [dot] com.


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Don't let my optimism make you sick.

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