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Friday, May 22, 2009

Cupcake Bowl

Jane Doe ask me why I brought cupcakes. . .

Cupcake Bowl XLI, originally uploaded by Joe Shlabotnik.

exhausted on the beach

John Doe is suuuuper jealous of people who come into work smelling like sunscreen with a beach bag

exhausted on the beach, originally uploaded by noborder network.

Plugged into dialysis

"Kidney dialysis! What is this, the Dark Ages?"

Plugged into dialysis, originally uploaded by newslighter.

Health insurance

Would like health insurance..

Health insurance, originally uploaded by Vick the Viking.

Chevy Pick-Up

has out smarted the Chevy Dealership, try charging 600 dollars for a 170 part! hahahahahah

1961 Chevy Pick-Up Truck, originally uploaded by Tony the Misfit.


there's nothing like a nice, fresh, 85-page document fresh off the laser printer. mmm, the smell of chemicals.

so much red, originally uploaded by kvanhorn.

Garfield and Friend...

Jane Doe garfield and friends. lessons for life.

Garfield and Friend..., originally uploaded by Đˆerry.

How this works:

I change all the names associated with each message. No one gave me permission to use them, these are all posted on sites like Facebook, Myspace, or AIM that use status updates or away messages for friends and family to see.
I do not own any of these photos (unless otherwise noted), they belong to the copyright owners, and are all attributed back to the owner's flickr accounts.

The juxtaposition of both though, is uniquely mine.

To send me an e-mail send it to: maggie [dot] brockmann [at] gmail [dot] com.


About Me

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Don't let my optimism make you sick.